After signing up for DoggyDay

Yes! You’ve done all the things to sign up for DoggyDay, now what? Well, dear members here’s what you can expect.

While you excitedly wait for our next notification, DoggyDay will be busily creating tailored connections for you with our pawsome members! Please bear with us as we try to make the best connections for you and your fur baby.

Once you’ve received your match email, sniff around and see if the neighbor profiles we sent over are a good match. If you think one or all are great matches let us know and we will connect you! When both parties want to say hello it’s time to set up a date and time to introduce yourselves through video chat. This is the opportunity to get to know your neighbor and their dog better, as well as set up a time to meet in person. We know that it might be a bit strange to talk to a total stranger at first, but worry not here is a list of questions to get you started.

Now comes the fun part, meeting up with each other in person! Play some fetch, pet some fluffy ears, be amazed at the happy zoomies, and get to know each other. DoggyDay hopes that you have as enjoyable of a time meeting each other as we did connecting you.

If at any time there is any confusion, we are here for you. You can find answers to frequently asked questions here, or you can directly message us for more specific questions.

Cheers to all the friendos you’ll be making!
